与 GJ Gardner 合作建房的过程比我想象的要容易得多。与我们打交道的人都很友好,对我们的情况也很关心。他们非常擅长自己的工作,对计划的任何修改都不成问题。他们的施工技术非常出色,我们还能使用一些当地的工人,这让我们非常感激。我们几乎感到愧疚,因为我们的建筑是如此简单。
我们可以提供任何大小或风格的房屋,无论您是在寻找单层、双层、斜坡式房屋、单元房、双人房、首次置业房屋,还是在寻找 "我永远的家 "的全包式房屋和土地套餐;对我们来说,工作没有大小之分。
我们在澳大利亚各地的经验使 G.J. Gardner 大家庭具备了应对最复杂的房屋建筑的知识和技能。利用我们的房屋建筑技能网络,我们可以帮助您将梦想家园变为现实。
阿得莱德山有各种不同大小、形状和平整度的地块。在这样一个变化多端的地区,您需要一个多才多艺的建筑商。在当地的 G.J. Gardner Homes,我们能够按时、按预算提供适合各种大小和平整地块的优质住宅,对此我们深感自豪。我们将负责规划,帮助您选择设计特色,甚至可以为您寻找土地,确保及时完成所有土壤、土地、丛林火灾和洪水检查。我们会花时间和精力来确保您的建造过程尽可能无压力。
Mount Barker: As one of the fastest-growing cities in the state, Mount Barker is full to bursting with home build opportunities. Already the largest by population in the Adelaide Hills region, the mountain and the town located at its base have a rich history in the contexts of both the European settlers and First Nations people.
Nairne: Situated in the shadows of the imposing Mount Barker, Nairne is a township located north of the mountain. Find vineyards, farmland and fine dining in this beautiful spot within the Adelaide Hills.
Strathalbyn: One of the largest towns within the local region, Strathalbyn is located to the southeast of Adelaide. The town is recognised the world over for its bountiful antique stores that dot the main street in the town.
Echunga: Home to South Australia’s first proclaimed goldfields, Echunga is a small town located around 30 kilometres from the South Australian capital. A town that is steeped in history, it provides families with a quaint and beautiful country living opportunity.
嗨,我们是 G.J. Gardner Adelaide Hills 办事处的业主 Debra、Stephen 和 Kellie。
Cash is almost always a consideration when buying your own home for the first time. To help first-time buyers purchase a property, Australian state governments offer similar variations of a first home owners’ grant, when the correct circumstances are met. Depending on which state you are building in, this grant can range between $7,000 to $20,000. The grant is available when purchasing a new-build property, or on the cost of building a new home. If you’re about to take the plunge into the property market, get in touch with your local G.J. Gardner Homes builder to discover your options. Discover everything you need to know about the First Home Owners Grant in South Australia in our guide.
Your local office is owned and operated by a local just like you, but they’re backed up by G.J. Gardner’s 40 years of expertise and experience from building over 36,000 homes.
在 G.J. Gardner,我们不仅支持定制,而且鼓励定制。您的房子需要有家的感觉。无论是定制室外区域、配件还是活动室,我们都将帮助您建造梦想中的家。
与 GJ Gardner 合作建房的过程比我想象的要容易得多。与我们打交道的人都很友好,对我们的情况也很关心。他们非常擅长自己的工作,对计划的任何修改都不成问题。他们的施工技术非常出色,我们还能使用一些当地的工人,这让我们非常感激。我们几乎感到愧疚,因为我们的建筑是如此简单。
我们已经在 G.J. Gardner 的房子里住了一个月了,感觉棒极了。我们预定的竣工日期刚刚过去,所以提前了一个月完工。与我们打交道的整个团队都非常出色。我们每周都会收到关于房子的最新消息(或者每当有最新消息时),我们要求的任何事情都不会太麻烦。我们一直以为建房会很紧张,但 G.J. 团队让整个过程变得轻而易举。非常感谢他们为我们建造了这么漂亮的家。